Dear Friends and Colleagues,
In this unprecedented time of change and adaptation, I extend my best wishes and hope that you are safe and able to sustain your practices during the shutdown. I want to share the proactive steps that I am taking while waiting for the COVID-19 crisis to abate.
As the 16th US president, Abraham Lincoln said: “Give me 6 hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first 4 hours sharpening the axe.”
Lincoln had it right! Here’s how I sharpen my axe:
- Don’t wait, start preparing now for when your doors open,
- Re-invent yourself & your staff. Self-improvement is always requiring time and effort,
- Discover new ways to attract more patients,
- Further your education, and
- Prepare yourself for success!
As WAOCS president, I feel responsible to help our members not only survive the COVID-19 pandemic, but thrive as we emerge from the crisis. Here’s my action plan:
Don’t wait, start preparing now for when your doors open.
If you practice in the USA, apply for your SBA Covid-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan Application now! A relatively simple form can be found at: I completed it in about an hour. If you are not from the USA, I hope your nation will provide similar economic aid. Gaining capital to sustain your practice is critical to recovery. So don’t wait, apply for it!
Re-invent yourself & your staff.
Without the “distractions” of patient demands, you can concentrate on improving yourself and your staff. There are many resources, but I utilize the training modules of Allergan Access/BSM consulting. I first used them during the 2009 market crash. Their full complement of courses including: Practice Management, Customer Service, Staff Training, Marketing, and more, were the critical knowledge needed for success. I took the courses together with my staff and we improved our recovery significantly. Best of all, the improvement was permanent, and we’ve grown 10% per year since. It takes effort on your part as the cosmetic surgeon and leader of your team. There’s no shortcut, leadership is hard work and is critical for success.
Discover new ways to attract more patients.
It is essential to have an excellent website that generates qualified leads (patients that call your office to schedule a consult). I have engaged 3 web managers in my recent past who flaunted their success by emphasizing the number of clicks to my website that resulted in very few patients. Realistically, number of clicks is a false measure of success that does not equate to booking more patients. Clearly, these new hires were not producing and were discharged.
I was fortunate to be referred to ANZOLO, who have worked for my practice for 4 years. We have maintained our growth during their tenure. In addition, they have taken on and we have improved our website considerably since they assumed control last year. I asked ANZOLO to create a special WAOCS member benefit to help members bring in more patients and emerge successfully from the crisis. As president of WAOCS, I have no financial interest in ANZOLO, I just know them to be effective and affordable which is so critical in the current crisis. And the business insights they are providing to you are valuable and are free to WAOCS members.
ANZOLO benefit for WAOCS members at no cost or obligation:
- Evaluate your current website – give you an honest evaluation of your website’s design and performance.
- Evaluate your website’s traffic and provide an overview of hidden opportunities through Google Analytics.
- Identify your direct competitors competing for the same keywords.
- Perform a keyword analysis that will show your website’s ranking with regards to important keywords.
- Perform a full Google Ads analysis: a) Identify your main competitors on the web; b) Show your AdWords performance against your competition.
- If your government forces you to close your practice during the COVID-19 shutdown, ANZOLO is willing to host and maintain your website during the closure at no charge for as long as your business is closed by the crisis.
This is an extraordinary new member benefit to WAOCS members and there are no obligations. Discover new dimensions about your practice to help guide you towards successful recovery from this crisis.
Lastly, if you value their free analysis and you believe ANZOLO can help you, they offer a 30% fee reduction on their already competitive pricing for the next 6 months with no further obligation.
Understand that I am reporting my personal experience with ANZOLO and that this is not a WAOCS endorsement, but rather a member benefit that you are under no obligation to use.
This will give you an opportunity to evaluate ANZOLO’s effectiveness at a reduced fee and be better prepared to attract new business when the crisis is over.
If you are already a WAOCS member, contact Kris Stirna at ANZOLO by email: [email protected]. If you are not a current WAOCS member, our annual dues are only 350 Euros and include many other benefits, so join here and request your free analysis today. I hope you take advantage of this remarkable addition to our member benefits and join our worldwide community of dedicated cosmetic surgeons.
We invite other members to share their best practices with our colleagues at Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Warmest regards,
Dr. Tony Mangubat
President, World Academy of Cosmetic Surgery
Email: [email protected]
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900 Skokie Blvd., Suite 103б Northbrook, IL 60062